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- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Module: QD3DRenderer.h **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Purpose: Renderer types and routines **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Copyright (C) 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QD3DRenderer_h
- #define QD3DRenderer_h
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include "QD3DView.h"
- #include "QD3DSet.h"
- #if defined(THINK_C) || defined(__SC__)
- #pragma options(!pack_enums, !align_arrays)
- #pragma SC options align=power
- #elif defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint on
- #pragma align_array_members off
- #pragma options align=native
- #elif defined(__PPCC__)
- #pragma options align=power
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=int
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Functions **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3RendererObject Q3Renderer_NewFromType(
- TQ3ObjectType rendererObjectType);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3ObjectType Q3Renderer_GetType(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer);
- /*
- A bit set in this flag to indicates supported features
- */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureNone (0) /* Implements nothing */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagHiddenSurfaceRemoval (1U << 0) /* Supports hidden surface removal */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagHiddenSurfaceRemovalDeep (1U << 1) /* >= 24 bit hidden surface removal precision */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagTexture (1U << 2) /* Textures */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagTextureHighQuality (1U << 3) /* High-quality Textures (tri-linear or better) */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagTextureColor (1U << 4) /* Full color modulation and highlight of textures */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagTransparency (1U << 5) /* Transparency with RGB blending */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagTransparencyAlpha (1U << 6) /* Transparency with alpha blending */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagAntialiasing (1U << 7) /* AntiAliasing */
- #define kQ3RendererFeatureFlagShadows (1U << 8) /* Shadows */
- typedef unsigned long TQ3RendererFeatureFlags;
- /*
- Q3Renderer_GetEditFeatures
- Returns a mask of variable features in the renderer. A 1 bit does not indicate
- that this feature is currently "on", only that it is editable.
- You may "set" or "unset" these features using Q3Renderer_SetFeatures.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_GetEditFeatures(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags *editableFlags);
- /*
- Q3Renderer_GetFeatures
- Returns a mask of currently set features in the renderer. A 1 bit indicates
- that this feature is currently "on". Some features may be available but
- not turned on. Some features may be on (always), but not editable.
- To get a complete mask of all available features, do:
- Q3Renderer_GetEditFeatures(renderer, &editable);
- Q3Renderer_GetFeatures(renderer, &features);
- totalFeatures = editable | features;
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_GetFeatures(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags *flags);
- /*
- Q3Renderer_SetFeatures
- Turn on or off editable features in a renderer.
- Operation is:
- newRendererFlags =
- (oldRendererFlags & ~editableFlags) |
- (flags & editableFlags);
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_SetFeatures(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags flags);
- /*
- Non-blocking, flush all buffered graphics to rasterizer. May or
- may not update the draw context.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_Flush(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3ViewObject view);
- /*
- Blocking, flush all buffered graphics to rasterizer and update
- draw context.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_Sync(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3ViewObject view);
- /*
- Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure
- Determine if this renderer has a modal settings dialog.
- Q3Renderer_ModalConfigure
- Have the renderer pop up a modal dialog box to configure its settings.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Boolean Q3Renderer_HasModalConfigure(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_ModalConfigure(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer);
- #if defined(ESCHER_VER_15) && ESCHER_VER_15
- /*
- Q3Renderer_DeleteCaches
- Deletes any caches in a renderer created with
- Q3View_BeginRendererCache and Q3View_EndRendererCache that may be
- associated with this renderer.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Renderer_DeleteCaches(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer);
- #endif /* ESCHER_VER_15 */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Interactive Renderer Specific Functions **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /* CSG IDs attribute */
- #define kQ3AttributeTypeConstructiveSolidGeometryID \
- Q3_OBJECT_TYPE('c','s','g','i')
- #define kQ3AttributeType_ConstructiveSolidGeometryID \
- kQ3AttributeTypeConstructiveSolidGeometryID
- /* Object IDs, to be applied as attributes on geometries */
- #define kQ3SolidGeometryObjA 0
- #define kQ3SolidGeometryObjB 1
- #define kQ3SolidGeometryObjC 2
- #define kQ3SolidGeometryObjD 3
- #define kQ3SolidGeometryObjE 4
- /* Possible CSG equations */
- typedef enum TQ3CSGEquation {
- kQ3CSGEquationAandB = (int) 0x88888888,
- kQ3CSGEquationAandnotB = 0x22222222,
- kQ3CSGEquationAanBonCad = 0x2F222F22,
- kQ3CSGEquationnotAandB = 0x44444444,
- kQ3CSGEquationnAaBorCanB = 0x74747474
- } TQ3CSGEquation;
- typedef enum TQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode {
- kQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode_None,
- kQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode_Shallow,
- kQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode_Deep
- } TQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode;
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetCSGEquation(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3CSGEquation equation);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetCSGEquation(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3CSGEquation *equation);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- long vendorID,
- long engineID);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetPreferences(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- long *vendorID,
- long *engineID);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3Boolean bypass);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetDoubleBufferBypass(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3Boolean *bypass);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetHiddenSurfaceRemovalMode(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode hiddenSurfaceRemovalMode);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3InteractiveRenderer_GetHiddenSurfaceRemovalMode(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- TQ3HiddenSurfaceRemovalMode *hiddenSurfaceRemovalMode);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Plug-in Renderer API **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- These bits should be set in the flag to indicate class supported
- */
- #define kQ3RendererClassSupportNone (0) /* nothing */
- #define kQ3RendererClassSupportFlagDoubleBuffer (1U << 0) /* Handle Double buffering */
- #define kQ3RendererClassSupportFlagClearBuffer (1U << 1) /* Handle DrawContext clearing */
- typedef unsigned long TQ3RendererClassSupportFlags;
- /*
- Registration
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3ObjectClass Q3RendererClass_Register(
- TQ3ObjectType objectType,
- char *rendererName,
- TQ3MetaHandler metaHandler,
- unsigned long sizeofClassPrivate,
- unsigned long sizeofDataPrivate);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer View Tools **
- ** **
- ** You may only call these methods from a plug-in **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- Call by a renderer to call the user "idle" method, with progress
- information.
- Pass in (view, 0, n) on first call
- Pass in (view, 1..n-1, n) during rendering
- Pass in (view, n, n) upon completion
- Note: The user must have supplied an idleProgress method with
- Q3View_SetIdleProgressMethod. Otherwise, the generic idle method is
- called with no progress data. e.g. the Q3View_SetIdleMethod method
- is called instead. (current and final are ignored, essentially.)
- Returns kQ3Failure if rendering is cancelled.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3View_IdleProgress(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- unsigned long current,
- unsigned long completed);
- /*
- Called by an asynchronous renderer when it completes a frame.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3View_EndFrame(
- TQ3ViewObject view);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer AttributeSet Tools **
- ** **
- ** You may only call these methods from a plug-in **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- Faster access to geometry attribute sets.
- Returns pointer to INTERNAL data structure for elements and attributes
- in an attributeSet, or NULL if no attribute exists.
- For attributes of type kQ3AttributeType..., the internal data structure
- is identical to the data structure used in Q3AttributeSet_Add.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT void *Q3AttributeSet_GetPointer(
- TQ3AttributeSet attributeSet,
- TQ3AttributeType attributeType);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Class Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- Methods from Object
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectClassRegister
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectClassUnregister
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectNew
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectDelete
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectRead
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectTraverse
- kQ3MethodTypeObjectWrite
- Methods from Shared
- kQ3MethodTypeSharedEdited
- Renderer Methods
- The renderer methods should be implemented according to the type
- of renderer being written.
- For the purposes of documentation, there are two basic types of
- renderers:
- Interactive
- Interactive Renderer (QuickDraw 3Dâ„¢ RAVE)
- WireFrame Renderer
- Deferred
- a ray-tracer
- painter's algorithm renderer (cached in a BSP triangle tree)
- an artistic renderer (simulates a pencil drawing, etc.)
- The main difference is how each renderer handles incoming state and
- geometry.
- An interactive renderer immediately transforms, culls, and shades
- incoming geometry and performs rasterization. For example, in a
- single-buffered WireFrame renderer, you will see a new triangle
- immediately after Q3Triangle_Draw (if it's visible, of course).
- A deferred renderer caches the view state and each geometry,
- converting into any internal queue of drawing commands. Rasterization
- is not actually performed until all data has been submitted.
- For example, a ray-tracer may not rasterize anything until the
- end of the rendering loop, or until an EndFrame call is made.
- */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Support Flags **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererClassSupportFlag
- TQ3RendererClassSupportFlagMethod
- Return the TQ3RendererClassSupportFlags for your renderer class.
- kQ3RendererClassSupportFlagDoubleBuffer
- - the drawContext will not allocate or manage a back image buffer
- - you must update the front buffer
- kQ3RendererClassSupportFlagClearBuffer
- - the drawContext will not be cleared before startFrame
- - you must clear the image buffer with the desired drawcontext
- method.
- If no method is supplied, the default is 0L.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererClassSupportFlag \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','s','f')
- typedef TQ3RendererClassSupportFlags TQ3RendererClassSupportFlagMethod;
- /*
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererGetEditFeatures
- TQ3RendererGetEditFeaturesMethod
- Return the TQ3RendererFeatureFlags of the editable features of your
- renderer.
- If no method is supplied, or the kQ3MethodTypeRendererSetFeatures is
- NULL, the default editableFlags is kQ3RendererFeatureNone.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererGetEditFeatures \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','f','e')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererGetEditFeaturesMethod)(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags *editableFlags);
- /*
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererGetFeatures
- TQ3RendererGetFeaturesMethod
- Return the TQ3RendererFeatureFlags of the current features set in
- your renderer.
- If no method is supplied, the default flags is kQ3RendererFeatureNone.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererGetFeatures \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','f','g')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererGetFeaturesMethod)(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags *flags);
- /*
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererSetFeatures
- TQ3RendererSetFeaturesMethod
- Set the TQ3RendererFeatureFlags in the current features set of
- your renderer.
- Operation is:
- newRendererFlags =
- (oldRendererFlags & ~editableFlags) |
- (flags & editableFlags);
- If no method is supplied, the Q3Renderer_GetEditFeatures always returns
- kQ3RendererFeatureNone.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererSetFeatures \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','f','g')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererSetFeaturesMethod)(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3RendererFeatureFlags flags);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer User Interface Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- TQ3RendererModalConfigureMethod
- This method should pop up a modal dialog to edit the renderer settings
- found in the renderer private.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererModalConfigure \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','m','c')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererModalConfigureMethod)(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Drawing State Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- TQ3RendererStartFrame
- The StartFrame method is called first at Q3View_StartRendering
- and should:
- - initialize any renderer state to defaults
- - extract any and all useful data from the drawContext
- If your renderer passed in kQ3RendererFlagClearBuffer at
- registration, then it should also:
- - clear the drawContext
- When clearing, your renderer may opt to:
- - NOT clear anything (if you touch every pixel, for example)
- - to clear with your own routine, or
- - to use the draw context default clear method by calling
- Q3DrawContext_Clear. Q3DrawContext_Clear takes advantage of
- any available hardware in the system for clearing.
- This call also signals the start of all default submit commands from
- the view. The renderer will receive updates for the default view
- state via its Update methods before StartScene is called.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererStartFrame \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','c','l')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererStartFrameMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3DrawContextObject drawContext);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererStartScene
- TQ3RendererStartSceneMethod
- The StartScene method is called during Q3View_StartRendering but after
- the StartFrame command. It should:
- - collect camera and light information
- If your renderer supports deferred camera transformation, camera is the
- main camera which will be submitted in the hierarchy somewhere. It
- is never NULL.
- If your renderer does not support deferred camera transformation, camera
- is the transformed camera.
- If your renderer supports deferred light transformation, lights will be
- NULL, and will be submitted to your light draw methods instead.
- This call signals the end of the default update state, and the start of submit
- commands from the user to the view.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererStartScene \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','s','t')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererStartSceneMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3CameraObject camera,
- TQ3GroupObject lightGroup);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererFlushFrame
- TQ3RendererFlushFrameMethod
- This call is only implemented by asynchronous renderers.
- The FlushFrame method is called between the StartScene and EndScene
- methods and is called when the user wishes to flush any asynchronous
- drawing tasks (which draw to the drawcontext), but does not want
- to block.
- The result of this call is that an image should "eventually" appear
- asynchronously.
- For asynchronous rendering, this call is non-blocking.
- An interactive renderer should ensure that all received
- geometries are drawn in the image.
- An interactive renderer that talks to hardware should force
- the hardware to generate an image.
- A deferred renderer should exhibit a similar behaviour,
- though it is not required. A deferred renderer should spawn
- a process that generates a partial image from the currently
- accumulated drawing state.
- However, for renderers such as ray-tracers which generally are
- quite compute-intensive, FlushFrame is not required and is a no-op.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererFlushFrame \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','f','l')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererFlushFrameMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3DrawContextObject drawContext);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndScene
- TQ3RendererEndSceneMethod
- The EndScene method is called at Q3View_EndRendering and signals
- the end of submit commands to the view.
- If an error occurs, the renderer should call Q3Error_Post and
- return kQ3ViewStatusError.
- If a renderer requires another pass on the renderering data,
- it should return kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse.
- If rendering was cancelled, this function will not be called
- and the view will handle returning kQ3ViewStatusCancelled;
- Otherwise, your renderer should begin completing the process of
- generating the image in the drawcontext. If you have buffered
- any drawing data, flush it. RendererEnd should have a similar
- effect as RendererFlushFrame.
- If the renderer is synchronous:
- - complete rendering of the entire frame
- if the renderer supports kQ3RendererClassSupportDoubleBuffer
- - Update the front buffer
- else
- - DrawContext will update the front buffer after returning
- If the renderer is asynchronous
- - spawn rendering thread for entire frame
- if the renderer supports kQ3RendererClassSupportDoubleBuffer,
- - you must eventually update the front buffer asynchronously
- else
- - you must eventually update the back buffer asynchronously
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndScene \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','e','d')
- typedef TQ3ViewStatus (*TQ3RendererEndSceneMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndFrame
- TQ3RendererEndFrame
- This call is only implemented by asynchronous renderers.
- The EndFrame method is called from Q3View_Sync, which is
- called after Q3View_EndRendering and signals that the user
- wishes to see the completed image and is willing to block.
- If your renderer supports kQ3RendererFlagDoubleBuffer
- - update the front buffer completely
- else
- - update the back buffer completely
- This call is equivalent in functionality to RendererFlushFrame
- but blocks until the image is completed.
- If no method is supplied, the default is a no-op.
- NOTE: Registering a method of this type indicates that your renderer will
- be rendering after Q3View_EndRendering has been called.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndFrame \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','s','y')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererEndFrameMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3DrawContextObject drawContext);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- The RendererCancel method is called after Q3View_StartRendering
- and signals the termination of all rendering operations.
- A renderer should clean up any cached data, and cancel all
- rendering operations.
- If called before Q3View_EndRendering, the RendererEnd method
- is NOT called.
- If called after Q3View_EndRendering, the renderer should kill
- any threads and terminate any further rendering.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererCancel \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','a','b')
- typedef void (*TQ3RendererCancelMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer DrawContext Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererPush
- TQ3RendererPushMethod
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererPop
- TQ3RendererPopMethod
- These methods are called whenever the graphics state in the view
- is pushed or popped. The user may isolate state by calling:
- Q3Attribute_Submit(kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &red, view);
- Q3Attribute_Submit(kQ3AttributeTypeTransparencyColor, &blue, view);
- Q3Attribute_Submit(kQ3AttributeTypeSpecularColor, &white, view);
- Q3Box_Submit(&unitBox, view);
- Q3TranslateTransform_Submit(&unitVector, view);
- Q3Push_Submit(view);
- Q3Attribute_Submit(kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &blue, view);
- Q3Attribute_Submit(kQ3AttributeTypeTransparencyColor, &green, view);
- Q3Box_Submit(&unitBox, view);
- Q3Pop_Submit(view);
- Q3TranslateTransform_Submit(&unitVector, view);
- Q3Box_Submit(&unitBox, view);
- or by submitting a display group which pushes and pops.
- If you support RendererPush and RendererPop in your renderer:
- - you must maintain your drawing state as a stack, as well.
- - you will not be updated with the popped state after
- RendererPop is called.
- If you do not support Push and Pop in your renderer:
- - you may maintain a single copy of the drawing state.
- - you will be updated with changed fields after the view stack is
- popped.
- A renderer that supports Push and Pop gets called in the following
- sequence (from example above):
- RendererUpdateAttributeDiffuseColor(&red,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeTransparencyColor(&blue,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeSpecularColor(&white,...)
- RendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorld(...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- RendererPush(...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeDiffuseColor(&blue,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeTransparencyColor(&green,...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- RendererPop(...)
- RendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorld(...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- A renderer that does not supports Push and Pop gets called in the
- following sequence:
- RendererUpdateAttributeDiffuseColor(&red,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeTransparencyColor(&blue,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeSpecularColor(&white,...)
- RendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorld(...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeDiffuseColor(&blue,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeTransparencyColor(&green,...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeDiffuseColor(&red,...)
- RendererUpdateAttributeTransparencyColor(&blue,...)
- RendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorld(...)
- RendererSubmitGeometryBox(...)
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererPush \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','p','s')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererPushMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererPop \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','p','o')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererPopMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Cull Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererIsBoundingBoxVisible
- TQ3RendererIsBoundingBoxVisibleMethod
- This method is called to cull complex groups and geometries
- given their bounding box in local space.
- It should transform the local-space bounding box coordinates to
- frustum space and return a TQ3Boolean return value indicating
- whether the box appears within the viewing frustum.
- If no method is supplied, the default behvaiour is to return
- kQ3True.
- TODO: Default to cull to { (-1,1), (-1,1), (0,1) } frustum?
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererIsBoundingBoxVisible \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','b','x')
- typedef TQ3Boolean (*TQ3RendererIsBoundingBoxVisibleMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- const TQ3BoundingBox *bBox);
- #if defined(ESCHER_VER_15) && ESCHER_VER_15
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Cache Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererStartCache
- TQ3RendererStartCacheMethod
- The start cache method is called at Q3View_StartRendererCache and
- signals that the application wishes to bracket some information
- that is static within a scene.
- If rendererCache is NULL, then the renderer should prepare to cache
- all information until the EndCache method is called.
- If rendererCache is non-NULL, then the renderer should validate the
- pre-existing cache.
- If the cache is invalid, the call should return kQ3True (meaning
- please retraverse the data) and delete the cache. The renderer
- should prepare to cache all submitted information until the EndCache
- method is called.
- If the cache is valid, the renderer should apply the cache to its
- state and/or the image, and return kQ3False (don't retraverse the
- data). EndCache will not be called.
- If no method is supplied, the default is to return kQ3True.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererStartCache \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','b','c')
- typedef TQ3Boolean (*TQ3RendererStartCacheMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- void *rendererCache);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndCache
- TQ3RendererEndCacheMethod
- The end cache method is called at Q3View_EndRenderingCache and
- indicates that all cached information has been submitted. It
- returns a pointer to a private data structure containing the
- cached data. EndCache will only be called after StartCache.
- If NULL is returned, it indicates that the renderer can not
- cache the information.
- If no method is supplied, the default is to return NULL.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererEndCache \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','e','c')
- typedef void *(*TQ3RendererEndCacheMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- kQ3MethodTypeRendererDeleteCache
- TQ3RendererDeleteCacheMethod
- The delete cache method is called on a cache that has been
- invalidated.
- NOTE: When the RendererStartCache method is passed a cache to
- validate and it returns kQ3True (cache is invalid, please
- retraverse data), this method is NOT called on the invalid cache.
- It is up to the renderer to delete or re-use the cache passed in.
- If no method is supplied, caches are assumed to be unsupported, or
- freed by the renderer.
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererDeleteCache \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','d','c')
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererDeleteCacheMethod)(
- TQ3RendererObject renderer,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- void *rendererCache);
- #endif /* ESCHER_VER_15 */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Renderer Object Support Methods **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*===========================================================================*\
- *
- * Drawing methods (Geometry, Camera, Lights)
- *
- \*===========================================================================*/
- /*
- Geometry MetaHandler
- This metaHandler is required to support
- kQ3GeometryTypeTriangle
- kQ3GeometryTypeLine
- kQ3GeometryTypePoint
- kQ3GeometryTypePixmapMarker
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererSubmitGeometryMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','g','m')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererSubmitGeometryMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3ObjectType geometryType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererSubmitGeometryMetaHandlerMethod switches on geometryType
- of kQ3GeometryTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererSubmitGeometryMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3GeometryObject geometry,
- const void *publicData);
- /*
- Camera MetaHandler
- This metaHandler, if supplied, indicates that your renderer
- handles deferred transformation of the main camera within a scene.
- If not supplied, or an unsupported camera is used, the view will do
- the transformation for the renderer and pass in a camera in the
- StartScene method.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererSubmitCameraMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','c','m')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererSubmitCameraMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3ObjectType cameraType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererSubmitCameraMetaHandlerMethod switches on cameraType
- of kQ3CameraTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererSubmitCameraMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3CameraObject camera,
- const void *publicData);
- /*
- Light MetaHandler
- This metaHandler, if supplied, indicates that your renderer
- handles deferred transformation of lights within a scene.
- If an unsupported light is encountered, it is ignored.
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererSubmitLightMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','l','g')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererSubmitLightMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3ObjectType lightType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererSubmitLightMetaHandlerMethod switches on lightType
- of kQ3LightTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererSubmitLightMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3LightObject light,
- const void *publicData);
- /*===========================================================================*\
- *
- * Update methods
- *
- * They are called whenever the state has changed. If the renderer supports
- * the RendererPush and RendererPop methods, it must maintain its own state
- * stack. Updates are not called for changed data when the view stack is
- * popped.
- *
- * See the comments for the RendererPush and RendererPop methods above
- * for an example of how data is updated.
- *
- \*===========================================================================*/
- /*
- Style
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateStyleMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','y','u')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererUpdateStyleMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3ObjectType styleType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererUpdateStyleMetaHandlerMethod switches on styleType
- of kQ3StyleTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererUpdateStyleMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- const void *publicData);
- /*
- Attributes
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateAttributeMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','a','u')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererUpdateAttributeMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3AttributeType attributeType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererUpdateStyleMetaHandlerMethod switches on attributeType
- of kQ3AttributeTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererUpdateAttributeMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- const void *publicData);
- /*
- Shaders
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateShaderMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','s','u')
- typedef TQ3FunctionPointer (*TQ3RendererUpdateShaderMetaHandlerMethod)(
- TQ3ObjectType shaderType);
- /*
- The TQ3RendererUpdateShaderMetaHandlerMethod switches on shaderType
- of kQ3ShaderTypeFoo and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererUpdateShaderMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- TQ3Object shaderObject);
- /*
- Matricies
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixMetaHandler \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('r','d','x','u')
- typedef TQ3MetaHandler TQ3RendererUpdateMatrixMetaHandlerMethod;
- /*
- The TQ3RendererUpdateShaderMetaHandlerMethod switches on methods
- of the form kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixFoo:
- */
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorld \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('u','l','w','x')
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorldInverse \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('u','l','w','i')
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixLocalToWorldInverseTranspose \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('u','l','w','t')
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixLocalToCamera \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('u','l','c','x')
- #define kQ3MethodTypeRendererUpdateMatrixLocalToFrustum \
- Q3_METHOD_TYPE('u','l','f','x')
- /*
- and returns methods of type:
- */
- typedef TQ3Status (*TQ3RendererUpdateMatrixMethod)(
- TQ3ViewObject view,
- void *rendererPrivate,
- const TQ3Matrix4x4 *matrix);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint reset
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=reset
- #endif
- #endif /* QD3DRenderer_h */